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Mask Waiver card

(9 customer reviews)

If you are asked to explain why you are unmasked, just show this document to the person who asks. He can scan the QR code from this document with his phone and it will reveal the legal justification. Our idea is that if it is enough to simply state verbally that wearing a mask is contraindicated, then providing written evidence should help to stop any debate and use of force.
Please read the detailed description below before ordering.

Suggested price: 12.00

Data for the card

1. You are healthy and do not attend any event with obvious signs of illness

2. You take all measures in order not to harm the health of those around you

3. You cannot be vaccinated, or you are vaccinated, or you have a high enough level of antibodies after the recovery

4.You agree that this certificate does not serve the purpose of breaching the trust of third parties

5. Entire responsibility for the accuracy of the data indicated on the Health Certificate lies solely with the person who presents it to third parties

6. This certificate does not guarantee passage, participation, admission to any events whatsoever, and any refusal, legal or illegal, to admit you does not indicate the invalidity of the certificate itself.

Our MTÜ Estonian Legal Alliance uses the funds received from you to provide assistance to citizens and entrepreneurs, in a word, to those who really need it. We pay attorney fees when necessary. You can donate as much as you can. The usual fee paid by most of our visitors is 12 euros plus shipping costs. If you find it difficult to pay such an amount, we will be grateful for the amount you can afford. Also, if you want to support us, you can specify any other amount.


As more and more companies start making employees wear masks, it won't be long before 'extra conscious citizens' and of course governments follow suit. Perhaps we should prepare ourselves.

We have been approached by users whose employer requires them to wear a mask in the workplace. It is possible not to wear a mask if you have a certificate.

We suggest getting certified to not wear a mask.

By ordering this certificate and card, you agree to the following terms of use:

  1. You are healthy and do not attend any event with obvious signs of illness
  2. You take all measures in order not to harm the health of those around you
  3. You agree that this certificate does not serve the purpose of breaching the trust of third parties
  4. Responsibility for the authenticity of the data indicated on the Certificate lies solely with the person presenting it.
  5. This certificate does not guarantee passage, participation, or admission anywhere, and denial, rightful or wrongful, of admission to you does not invalidate the certificate itself.
  6. You confirm that wearing a mask is contraindicated for medical reasons (respiratory diseases, allergies, asthma, psychological reasons, etc., oxygen deficiency- «The mask should not be worn by patients whose blood oxygen levels fall below normal levels when breathing normal air. Wearing the mask is contraindicated, for example, in patients with severe lung and heart disease who require home oxygen therapy.»- www.terviseamet.ee)
  7. You acknowledge that you will use this certificate for lawful purposes and release the viralhelp.me service from any liability related to your use of this certificate and/or card

Certificate production time - 48 hours (it will be sent to your e-mail).

No cards are being made at this time. You only receive an e-mail with a PDF file that you can print out and fold neatly and carry in your wallet.

Our MTÜ Estonian Legal Alliance uses the money we receive from you to help citizens and entrepreneurs, in short, those who need it most. We cover the costs of lawyers when necessary. You can donate as much as you can. The normal contribution that most of our visitors pay is 12 euros plus shipping costs. If you find it difficult to pay this amount, we would also appreciate an affordable amount. Also, if you want to support us, you can specify any other amount.

9 reviews for Справка-карточка для неношения маски

  1. Vadi Ivanen

    Thank you for your initiative.

  2. Aljona

    Супер! Спасибо за карту. Ходила за справкой для садика в поликлинику, мне попытались воспрепятствовать пройти без маски, показала карту и всё быстро решилось. Благодарю 🙏

  3. Mija Jefremova (verified owner)

    24 октября в торговом центре Кристина кескус в магазине House на требование надеть маску показалась сертификат извинились и отстали.
    Ура Это победа!!

  4. Маргарита

    Хочу сказать огромное спасибо за то что вы на стороне народа, и защищаете наши права и свободы!
    Заказала карту себе и мужу. Работает везде!

    Приятно чувствовать себя свободным человеком и дышать свободно воздухом! Огромное спасибо!
    Вы большие молодцы! Пусть Бог вам помогает!

    С уважением Маргарита

  5. Aleksandr (verified owner)

    Благодарю за вашу замечательную карточку, действительно без проблем везде с ней пускают, только в Selver молодой упёртый охранник из Viking Security AS потребовал медицинскую справку, которую по его же словам никто не выдаёт и заявил, что требует надеть маску хотя бы для вида, боясь что их самих оштрафуют, если я буду без маски магазин посещать.

  6. Alexei Bogdanov

    Привет! Телеграфирую свежие новости😊в порту пропустили без маски, сканировали сертификат, у одного выдавал error, у второго прошло. Дядьки нормальные попались

    Я сказала что медсестра и так в маске постоянно, отнеслись с пониманием

    Но что-то записывали, мои данные или что то долго возились

    Контроль полный

    Очень много туристов без масок, которым они раздают на месте и разьяснительные работы ведут

    Кстати вчера на Центральном рынке пропустили тоже по карточке. Нежданчик был, что там даже приставили охранника, откуда то из темного угла вынырнул

    (Прислала Оксана Б. из Таллинна через Мессенджер)

  7. Andrejs Strogonovs

    Спасибо вам огромное за сертификат, теперь во все заведения захожу без маски.Радуюсь жизни.

  8. Елена

    Спасибо! В Наутике Рими на кассе самообслуживания работница заблокировала кассу, т.к. я была без маски, показала ей карточку, пофыркала на меня, похамила, но кассу разблокировала.

  9. Jelizaveta

    Благодарю! Вчера в магазине не дали оплатить товар на кассе без маски, я показала карточку (впервые). Пропустили без проблем.

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