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  • I sign a document, what do you do with my personal data?

Your personal data is required solely to facilitate the process of sending signed documents in order to solve a specific task. For example, protest against the introduction of amendments to the law. These data are stored in the Viral Help platform and are not used for purposes other than those for which they were issued by you (for signing a document). They are also not passed on to third parties under any circumstances. By signing the document, you agree to the terms of privacy, they comply with the GDPR.

  • Кто стоит за Viral Help и какие у этого человека организации или интересы?

The ViralHelp platform was created by the company ZestylawyerSARLs, registered under number B243718 in Luxembourg.

The main field of activity of the company is legal services. The mission of the company is to simplify access to justice through automation.

A recent large project of the company in Western Europe is helping citizens during COVID-19: how to reduce costs, refuse subscriptions, receive compensation, etc.-  https://viralhelp.online

Some publications about the project can be read at the links

  1. https://www.siliconluxembourg.lu/tag/zestylawyer/
  2. https://www.infogreen.lu/zestylawyer-rend-l-aide-juridique-virale.html
  3. https://www.linkedin.com/in/zestylawyer/
  4. https://delano.lu/article/delano.paperjam.lu_2021-05-08                              
  5. https://www.mke.ee/sobytija/v-estonii-aktivno-prodayut-sertifikaty-zdorovya-ochen-pokhozhie-na-sertifikaty-vaktsinatsii
  • What happens to the document I sign?
    You put your digital signature, the document is created through the Estonian service eideasy.com and sent to the addressee in accordance with the subject of the application. You receive a signed copy on your computer.