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Complaint about the quality of education

Complaint about the quality of education

Начиная с марта 2020 года детей в Эстонии все в большей мере принуждают учиться в школах дистанционно


Начиная с марта 2020 года детей в Эстонии все в большей мере принуждают учиться в школах дистанционно

Чтобы добиться чего-то, надо действовать и как минимум, как в старом анекдоте, купить лотерейный билет. Особенно это касается ситуаций с вашими детьми.

Чтобы вы заново не засели за компьютеры, и чтобы дети не разучились быть в обществе, подпишите заявление с требованием не вводить дистанционное обучение, так как оно противоречит закону об образовании и не дает навыков и знаний в нужной мере.

Расскажите об этом другим родителям и пригласите их поступить также. Для отправки заявления надо выбрать школу из списка и указать имя ребенка. Подписание происходит дигитально прямо здесь на сайте.

Родители вынуждены заниматься обучением детей младшего возраста

Что приводит к нервному истощению, а иногда и отказу от работы

У детей отсутствует полноценная социальная жизнь

Это тормозит развитие их личности

Младшеклассников часто оставляют на весь день дома одних

В западной Европе детей младше 12 лет запрещено оставлять дома одних для защиты их безопасности

Интернет начинает все больше замещать детям реальную жизнь
Как следствие, нарастание вредной зависимости от гаджетов
Из-за отсутствия общения и "сухой учебы" у детей развивается депрессия

Количество подростковых суицидов за первые два месяца 2021г увеличилось в 4 раза

Дети целый день проводят дома и мало двигаются

Это вредит их физическому здоровью и развитию

Родители вынуждены заниматься обучением детей младшего возраста

Что приводит к нервному истощению, а иногда и отказу от работы

У детей отсутствует полноценная социальная жизнь

Это тормозит развитие их личности

Младшеклассников часто оставляют на весь день дома одних

В западной Европе детей младше 12 лет запрещено оставлять дома одних для защиты их безопасности

Интернет начинает все больше замещать детям реальную жизнь
Как следствие, нарастание вредной зависимости от гаджетов
Из-за отсутствия общения и "сухой учебы" у детей развивается депрессия

Количество подростковых суицидов за первые два месяца 2021г увеличилось в 4 раза

Дети целый день проводят дома и мало двигаются

Это вредит их физическому здоровью и развитию

Parents' feedback
Yulia Antonova
Teacher of Russian language and literature in grades 5-9
Сегодня у своих ребят выяснила, что на дистанте из 21 человека ежедневно выходят гулять на улицу и общается с друзьями 4 человека, 3 человека - 2 раза в неделю. Остальные выходят только в магазин по необходимости, 8 человек за неделю ни разу не вышли из дома!!!! Бедные дети!!!! За год из 92 человек, которых я обучаю, переболело модной болезнью 11 человек, на самоизоляцию во время контактного обучения было выведено 2 класса, один на весенние каникулы, второй за день до дистанта. В одном классе ребёнок болел во время контактного обучения, но каким-то чудом класс не отправили на самоизоляцию, и о диво, никто в классе больше не заболел!!! И ради чего все эти танцы с бубнами? !!! Почему дети лишены полноценного обучения? По-моему, правительство совершает преступление!!!!! Успеваемость упала почти во всех классах, мотивация к обучению сохранилась у единиц.

Mom of a 13-year-old child
The situation with online education is disconcerting and begs the question: what is it all for? The complete lack of discipline of both children and teachers leads to a loss of control and communication between all participants in the process. between everyone involved. Teachers are not always able to conduct a quality lesson. And how can it be conducted if 32 pupils are involved in the process. The absence of any online teaching methods reduces all efforts to zero. Transfer of information only by talking and minimal amount of visual information also leads to the fact that the child is not able to master the material. All this can still be applied to the humanities, which can be independently pass, but such disciplines as math, physics, chemistry can not be learned in this format. Primitive schemes and on the move made inscriptions can not dedicate anyone. Some mooing of children, their complete absence from the lesson. Everyone's minding their own business. Is it impossible to invite at least two people to consultations on each subject? It is especially frightening that for two years nothing has been done that could at least somehow adjust the training to the current conditions.

Mom of a 9-year-old child
Lessons are conducted digitally 2-5 lessons per day. There are no complaints about the lessons - they are conducted. Although a couple of times the teacher either did not see or something else, but did not join the child to the lesson. He was very scared and upset. He does not do homework himself, says he does not know how, does not understand. There is no interest in learning, the lessons are just boring and uninteresting. The teacher does not have time to explain the topic in 30 minutes of the lesson. Explanation is done by a parent, in the evenings, after work, to the detriment of other children and family. I do not have time to deal with my youngest child at all!!!! Lessons, assignments, lessons.... A teacher should teach, and not check how parents explained and did assignments. There is no evaluation, if at least something is done, it is excellent. No incentive to do something. If an assignment does not have to be sent to the teacher, the child does not consider it as an assignment at all. Homework is considered a parent's "whim" and not a teacher's assignment. I'm also a bad mom because I make her do homework. Self-work, not at all. At that age he is simply not capable of self-organization, ask any psychologist. All his free time is taken up with gadgets and TV. Does anyone seriously think that young children are able to learn independently? Problems not only with learning, problems with communication. A child has to learn to communicate, to socialize, and we have what??? It's just bullying. Kids are locked up in four walls. School-digital, clubs-digital, sports banned. How can you do theater studio digital!?!? Have you seen how fat our children have become???? It's just horrible! Every second suffers from excess weight...! And eyesight? For a year and a half of such "studies" my eyesight has fallen, soon I'll need glasses!!!!. At 9 years old? Parents are at work. The kid's alone all day. Became nervous, excitable, even aggressive. Reaction is inadequate, then crying, then screaming...it's just a nightmare!!!! It's hard for adults, but what about children???? In general, I just have no words....

Yulia Antonova
Teacher of Russian language and literature in grades 5-9
Сегодня у своих ребят выяснила, что на дистанте из 21 человека ежедневно выходят гулять на улицу и общается с друзьями 4 человека, 3 человека - 2 раза в неделю. Остальные выходят только в магазин по необходимости, 8 человек за неделю ни разу не вышли из дома!!!! Бедные дети!!!! За год из 92 человек, которых я обучаю, переболело модной болезнью 11 человек, на самоизоляцию во время контактного обучения было выведено 2 класса, один на весенние каникулы, второй за день до дистанта. В одном классе ребёнок болел во время контактного обучения, но каким-то чудом класс не отправили на самоизоляцию, и о диво, никто в классе больше не заболел!!! И ради чего все эти танцы с бубнами? !!! Почему дети лишены полноценного обучения? По-моему, правительство совершает преступление!!!!! Успеваемость упала почти во всех классах, мотивация к обучению сохранилась у единиц.
Mom of a 13-year-old child
The situation with online education is disconcerting and begs the question: what is it all for? The complete lack of discipline of both children and teachers leads to a loss of control and communication between all participants in the process. between everyone involved. Teachers are not always able to conduct a quality lesson. And how can it be conducted if 32 pupils are involved in the process. The absence of any online teaching methods reduces all efforts to zero. Transfer of information only by talking and minimal amount of visual information also leads to the fact that the child is not able to master the material. All this can still be applied to the humanities, which can be independently pass, but such disciplines as math, physics, chemistry can not be learned in this format. Primitive schemes and on the move made inscriptions can not dedicate anyone. Some mooing of children, their complete absence from the lesson. Everyone's minding their own business. Is it impossible to invite at least two people to consultations on each subject? It is especially frightening that for two years nothing has been done that could at least somehow adjust the training to the current conditions.
Mom of a 9-year-old child
Lessons are conducted digitally 2-5 lessons per day. There are no complaints about the lessons - they are conducted. Although a couple of times the teacher either did not see or something else, but did not join the child to the lesson. He was very scared and upset. He does not do homework himself, says he does not know how, does not understand. There is no interest in learning, the lessons are just boring and uninteresting. The teacher does not have time to explain the topic in 30 minutes of the lesson. Explanation is done by a parent, in the evenings, after work, to the detriment of other children and family. I do not have time to deal with my youngest child at all!!!! Lessons, assignments, lessons.... A teacher should teach, and not check how parents explained and did assignments. There is no evaluation, if at least something is done, it is excellent. No incentive to do something. If an assignment does not have to be sent to the teacher, the child does not consider it as an assignment at all. Homework is considered a parent's "whim" and not a teacher's assignment. I'm also a bad mom because I make her do homework. Self-work, not at all. At that age he is simply not capable of self-organization, ask any psychologist. All his free time is taken up with gadgets and TV. Does anyone seriously think that young children are able to learn independently? Problems not only with learning, problems with communication. A child has to learn to communicate, to socialize, and we have what??? It's just bullying. Kids are locked up in four walls. School-digital, clubs-digital, sports banned. How can you do theater studio digital!?!? Have you seen how fat our children have become???? It's just horrible! Every second suffers from excess weight...! And eyesight? For a year and a half of such "studies" my eyesight has fallen, soon I'll need glasses!!!!. At 9 years old? Parents are at work. The kid's alone all day. Became nervous, excitable, even aggressive. Reaction is inadequate, then crying, then screaming...it's just a nightmare!!!! It's hard for adults, but what about children???? In general, I just have no words....

Example of a submitted application

Example of a petition filed regarding substandard education and child safety with officials from the Department of Education and the state clerk's office


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